A number of people, including the insurance industry, think humanity is facing huge risks in the coming years. A recent report by Lloyds explores what might plausibly happen, based on past events, if there were to be a systemic shock to global food crop production (LLoyd’s, 2015). As population increases there will be increasing pressure to match supply to demand. In order to understand why our cities need to adapt let’s take a look at some of the key emerging risks including population growth.
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Circularity and planned cities ?
3. http://circulatenews.org/2015/05/circularity-indicators-business-tool-to-assess-circular-economy/
2. http://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/circular-economy/metrics
1. http://circulatenews.org/2015/04/the-circular-economy-re-starting-meme-wars-2/